Usha Sewing Machine Demo
Usha Sewing Machine Lessons: USHA ALLURE Machine Demonstration in Bengali
Here you can start an amazing journey that will enable you to innovate and create amazing things. Sewing is easy once you get the basics right. We have a series of videos that would help you learn these skills from the very basics to advanced. We earnestly request you to go through the lessons in sequence and practice as this will create the technical foundation for you to improvise.
Know Your Machine
Getting Started: Stitch Functions
Let us Learn Stitch Functions of Usha Machines in the tutorial
Functional stitches include a buttonhole maker, a zigzag stitch, or blind hemmer and are considered standard on most machines. Decorative stitches, also easy to access, are often pictured on the front of the machine. When engaged, the stitches create a pattern as you move the fabric through the machine
At the end of the video tutorial you will be able to do the attractive decorative stitches that are pictured on the front of the Machine
Getting Started: Advance Stitch Functions
This tutorial video will make you understand the advanced sewing needs.
At the end of the tutorial you will learn.
- How to sew a Button hole and Button Stitch.
- Applique designing on a cloth
- Learn to sew a picot edge in step by step.
- Adding an interlock stitch at the seams.
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